If you’re anything like me and camping in winter isn’t exactly your cup of tea, then it’s time to store your gear and prep for your next camping season. Camping gear shopping might also be on your to do list as Cyber Monday approaches!
Note: this piece includes affiliated links. Mainly Amazon links for things you may want to consider for your next camping season. If you decide to purchase one of those items, I’ll get a small commission at no extra cost to you.
Look, I’d love to stay I camp under all weather, but the truth is that I’m only a fair weather adventurer! I’m not really ashamed about it either 😉 If you are not considering camping when temperature drops below frizzing or when it’s snowing, you are not alone! No worries! But in that case, it’s time to store your gear and prep for your next camping season.
You don’t want to discover next year, that your gear has been damaged by mold or is broken, just because you didn’t store it properly, do you?
Storing your camping gear
Start by cleaning and repairing what may need to be repaired. Repairing your gear before storing is better than discovering next season that you forgot to do it.
Make sure everything is dry before storing. Mold can ruin everything.
Replacing missing bits here and there might be necessary. Check everything and if something is lost or broken beyond repair then check online if spare parts are available.
For example, do know that if tent’s poles are broken, you don’t need to change the whole tent. You can find some new poles online and it will be cheaper than buying a new tent.
Maybe you need to replace some of the cords? Or maybe you’ve lost a few pegs along the way? That happens all the time. Those are also easy to find.
Remove batteries from electric items. Make sure nothing is corroded.
Re-weatherproof what may need it. Let it dry before storing.
Store gaz bottles in a safe (dry and cool!) place. Make sure your stove doesn’t need any maintenance before putting it away.
Restock your first aid kit. Mine follows me during my Autumns’ hikes so it’s always in good shape. Do check the dates on the liquid or gel items.
You get the point: maintaining your gear in good condition, repairing what needs to be repaired and storing your things properly will ensure that everything last a long time.
Despite taking good care of your gear, sometimes you need to do some shopping…
Upgrading your camping gear
Every year, new camping gear comes out. Things that you “must have”. Things that “will change the way you camp”… Deep down, you know all those are things you actually don’t need to have a good time!
You are probably well equipped already and doing just fine with what you have. Why would you buy a new stove when yours functions perfectly?
However, sometimes something comes along which is really smart or really better. Sometimes gear is used beyond repair and need to be replaced. Stuff get lost every now and then. And sometimes, there is something that you just really want.
You may be thinking that you’ll take care of your shopping in Spring but let me tell you this: you should do it now!
Why? Because of Black Friday / cyber Monday of course! And Christmas!
You can get great deals on camping gear (and just about everything) at this time of the year. So make the most of it!
Plus it’s fun and it keeps you motivated!
If you don’t get something for yourself, you can always add these items on your Christmas list!
Preparing for next camping season
Here is a selection of camping gear that you may want to consider acquiring before next season. Those are things that you can even start using before. Things that won’t spoil. Things that will last and will make you happy!
A Lifestraw is a must have when going hiking and camping. I’ve said it before and I stand firmly on my stand! It is a portable water filter that can save your life. The former Lifestraw version was made of plastic. The newest ones are made of metal. That is a great improvement. Easy to use, light weight and durable, I highly recommend you to have one in your backpack.
Dutch oven
I’ve been wanting a Dutch stove for a while now. The truth is that I’ve been getting by without it as my iron cast pan has been a great addition to my camping gear and my kitchen. I’ve become a master of one pan cooking on the road! However I think a Dutch oven would allow me to diversify. It’s not entirely necessary for shorter trips but for longer trips, being able to cook different things is necessary. A Dutch oven will be on my Christmas list this year!!
You know I love things that have multiple use. If you don’t, you should read this article. It includes a cute free packing list that you can print for your next trip. A Dutch oven is so versatile that I’m happy to add to my packing list. However it is not light. So if you’re planning a trip where weight is a concern, don’t even consider a Dutch oven.
In addition, it requires an open fire. And depending on where you’re heading, that might not be an option. Keep this in mind before splurging!
Pie Iron
There is another cooking ustensile that I’ve being considering and it is a pie iron. If you’re on Pinterest and have seen some of the things you can cook in those, you’ll know why! It usually cost less than $20, doesn’t weight too much, is fun to use….
I still hesitate but I’m adding it to the list because I want to be sure you know about those! You can always use a pie iron when doing a barbecue in your backyard anyway!
Solar charger
I got this solar charger 2 years ago and let me tell you that I have no regrets! It’s been doing an amazing job at keeping my phone and tablet charged up. I even charge my external phone battery on it!
Before getting this solar charger, I was always low on battery. On a trip, I use my phone to plan, find places I want to visit, check out opening times, find restaurants, hotels or camp sites… It’s not about posting on Instagram. You know how bad I am at this 😉 It’s about planning and using maps. Yeah, I use maps a lot. But I was always stressed out about having a dead phone battery at the wrong time, in the middle of nowhere… Not anymore!
I even found a way to hang it in the car so it charges my phone when driving! On a sunny day, my phone gets charged faster than when connected to the car charger!
Paper soap
I know, I know, I’ve told you about paper soap before. I can’t help myself. It is so useful, I think everyone should have some in their car or purse. You’ve been to toilets with empty soap container before, haven’t you? Well paper soap is the answer to this problem!
If I’m adding this here it’s because you can stock up on those before your next camping season. They won’t spoil if kept in a dry place.

LED Headlamp
That one I still have mixed feelings about.
There are 2 camps about headlamps and you know how it goes:
Headlamp hater to headlamp lover: “you look stupid with this on your head and you’re blinding me”
Headlamp lover to headlamp heater: “I don’t care if I look stupid, both of my hands are free. I’ll look the other way.”
Headlamp hater to headlamp lover: “I can do everything with just one hand” knowing deep down that it’s not true!
So I still don’t have one but I’m just being stubborn and stupid because I know they work great and are super useful.
Instead I have the below solar little lamp which I’m happy to carry around! Mine is white but the blue one looks cool too. It works wonder, stay charged a very long time, can provide a soft light perfect when in the tent and a brighter light which is ideal when outside. I can’t help it, I love it!
Hammocks are so much fun. Mine doesn’t have a mosquitoes net and I’m starting to regret it. If you need to upgrade your hammock, do get one with a net!
Sleeping pad
Upgrading your sleeping pad is probably the best thing you can do for yourself. Not sleeping well, or getting back pain is the worst when traveling (with mosquitoes bites!). There is an incredible number of choices today. From super thick to super slim, self inflated, with or without a pillow, super insulated, extra large… Do pay attention to all the details. More expensive doesn’t necessarily means more comfortable!
Knife / multi tools
Again, I’ve said this before: I love my Swiss Army knifes! Yeah I have 2. No wait, I have 3, but the smallest one doesn’t really count so I’ll say 2. 😉
I actually love the fact that they are red because they are easy to find when you leave them on the ground for example. But you need to know that they now come in various different colors including black, cameo, etc.
And as you know, I’m French, I confirm that one of mine as a corkscrew!
Multi usage cup
So if you have a Swiss army knife with a corkscrew and a bottle of wine, you also need something to drink your wine from. I never could stand drinking wine from plastic cups and never will! I’m not a plastic gal anyway.
If you’re like me, you have 2 options: Enamel mugs which are great, sturdy and easy to clean or a wood cup. Bringing my crystal glasses when camping is something I don’t really do. Ok I’ve done it but it’s not that wise!
So both the enamel mug and the wood cup are great choices. The enamel mug are slightly bigger but the wood cup feels more natural and gives a slightly better taste to the wine. It’s up to you!
The Uberleben Wood Cups are 100% Hardwood & Eco-Friendly. get them now to ‘season’ them before next spring.
If you get enamel mugs, get some pretty ones!!
Winter reading to be ready when Spring comes!
Now that you’ve upgraded your camping gear, why not stay in the mood and get a few books for those long winter nights? You can learn a few new things like how to survive in the wild in case you get lost!
I’ve selected 2 books which you may find interesting. There are so many more available, just browse around and cosy up this winter.
Survival Wisdom & Know How: Everything You Need to Know to Subsist in the Wilderness
Edible Wild Plants: Wild Foods From Dirt To Plate (The Wild Food Adventure Series, Book 1)
Hope you liked this list and the items recommended. Share it with your friends and go camping together next Spring!