Hi there! I’m back!! Kind of… maybe… I don’t know. I’m going to try…

I’m truly sorry…
I’m sorry if you’ve felt let down by the lack of content or the type of content considering all my latest pieces were about my Indian. Good news: It’s done! It’s fully functional and although there are a couple technical points I still want to share, there won’t be as many.
My dad and I have now started renovating his second bike, a Peugeot P107 dating somewhere between 1928 and 1933 from what I know so far, but I won’t be talking about the renovation process.
So, if all goes well, there won’t be as many Indian articles in the future, just some bragging about the trips I will be taking with it!
2020 in short: 0 travel!
So the title said I wouldn’t review 2020 because, well, it was 2020!
But I guess I have to confirm that there was 0 travel! Not a single castle visited either. I did go to the Musée Jacquemart André on a trip to Paris and that was just before the pandemic.

It was like one last breath of fresh air. A marvelous escape from the reality which was building up.
And then, nada, apart from my trips to my dad which I managed to keep regular, despite it all. There I was in a bubble. A kind of alternate universe which felt safe. A happy bubble.
I’ve mentioned this elsewhere: I actually can’t complain that much about 2020. My biggest stress was my dad’s health. Apart from that, thanks to having a comfortable apartment, a steady income stream which did not disappear, and many personal projects, I didn’t go insane, I was never in any real hardship.
Sure my big trip to Africa was cancelled. It was going to be marvelous and it will not be the same if we ever manage to go.

Instead of a month trip to Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, I pitched my tent in my dad’s field for a week and slept there! Travel goals revisited!!
2021 goals??
Well, I have little faith that we will be out of the pandemic any time soon. Vaccines are being rolled out but there are almost 8 Billion people to vaccinate. It’s a marathon, not a sprint, with uncertain results.
So I’ve decided to not plan anything! I’m good at that anyway. 😉
My top priority is to learn how to drive my Indian safely, and fingers crossed, go on little trips with it this summer. If all goes particularly well, then try a slightly longer trip by Autumn!
If I can manage to visit a few things along the way, then that will just be glorious.
RTatW edition 2021?
What will it look like?
I still don’t know!!
When I wrote my last update (over 6 months ago!) I wondered what travel would look like and what a post-Covid travel blog should be. I even promised to continue to publish content… I didn’t.
At the time, I was pretty sure, I could manage it easily. It wasn’t counting on the fact that I felt utterly futile if not disrespectful, talking about travel when people were suffering, all other the world.
So to be honest, I still don’t know what to do.
The think is that I like this little corner of the web. It’s not perfect and there is a lot of behind the scene work to still be handled. but I really like what it has become. I feel bad for having neglected it for so long.
Yet, I still haven’t found the way. 😉
Dare I wish you a Happy New Year?! Yes, I shall dare! Because one can always hope for sunshine after the rain.
So Happy New Year, dear fellow road trippers. May 2021 be filled with simple pleasures!