It’s been a while since I last managed to publish something here.
It’s also been a while since I last added something to my postcard page.
For both I’m sorry.
First I have to say, it’s not entirely my fault!

Aaargghh Gutenberg, why did you do this to me!
Gutenberg, WordPress latest update, was behaving badly enough for me that it was impossible to type, post, or do anything. I tried and tried. I made updates, I deleted plugins, I researched, I typed stuff in Word… and then got tired of it. I really just couldn’t do anything. It was totally messed up.
It got to a point where I feared it was going to be like this for ever. I wondered what I would do if it lasted. Changing platform would be a nightmare at this point. Something I could not handle, or that I really don’t want to handle. Thankfully, when I was loosing hope, a Gutenberg update arrived and… magic! No more issues!!
Then, I also have to add that:
I’ve been drawing like a maniac!
I’ve had plans for my next map for what seems forever. I started it months ago. I can’t say things like “it’s going to be so good” because at this point, I don’t see how I’m going to fit all my drawing into the map! The struggle is real!
I have this issue of constantly wanting to do bigger & better. My last map about the 7 wonders of the World was a proof of that, especially when you compare it to my first map.
It’s good to always want to do better but it becomes an issue, when nothing is good enough at the end.
So I also drew a bunch of other things. To keep my mind off what seems to be heading toward a wall of failures.
And tada!!
Preseren Square in Ljubljana, Slovenia
You already know I love Slovenia. If you don’t you can check out my road trip map of Slovenia and my main page!
My dear, dear friend who lives in London but is from Ljubljana wanted a souvenir from home, a drawing of Preseren Square. I was up for the challenge! Anything for her!
Preseren Square is not the easiest topic. It is absolutely lovely but the shape of the square is not square. The angles of the streets and buildings around the square are weird and it leads to peculiar perspectives. And perspectives are not my thing to start with! 😉
It took me a while just to conceptualise it. I had to research a lot to understand it. Of course, I wanted to drawn the bridges but I couldn’t include them and her favorite building.
Once I had decided on which buildings I wanted to draw and the angles I wanted to draw, I sketched them on an A3 sheet and went for it! It was scary. Drawing at large scale requires to often take a look back to get a good global view. You can loose yourself in the detail in one area and completely mess up the big picture. Like in many things in life…
Anyway, a “couple” hours later sparkled with some scary moments and a lots of doubts, the square was finished.
It’s not exactly what I had in mind. Yes, of course, I wanted to do better, especially for her. It is what it is and the original drawing has been hand delivered, in a London pub, last month! A scary and embarrassing moment made slightly easier by a couple glasses of wine! 😉
Preseren Square drawing available for download on my postcard page
If you like it, you can find a high resolution version of this Preseren Square drawing on my postcards page (the page where all my drawings are available, just for you!). You do need to be registered on RTatW mailing list to get the password. It’s a nice newsletter if you ask me! Although I haven’t sent one out, for months! The good thing is that you won’t feel spammed by me!!

This Preseren Square drawing is also available on Society6
My love relationship with Society6 turned a bit sour, with all the products now available. It’s a full time job to keep up. It’s great that so many options are available but I still have mixed feelings about some of the products.
Despite this, I made this drawing available as various art prints as you can see below.
First as regular art print. I’ve ordered one before so I know the paper quality is great and my drawings look quite nice on such paper! Various sizes are available. I would not buy the biggest size, just to be safe.
Click to see the Preseren Square art print on Societ6!
You can get it readily framed. The Conservation Walnut frame is my favorite for this one. But as usual you can choose from a variety of color.
I also made the mini art prints available. I think these look adorable. Framed or an wood stand, both are cute.

And last, as usual, I thought the mugs looked pretty cool! I like mugs, what can I say!!
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