So you are a bit curious, aren’t you?
Well ok, let me tell you a bit more about Road Trips around the World, its current content from eco-conscious tips, road trip itineraries, maps, recommendations, UNESCO World Heritage sites…

Mr A and I were bitten by the road trip bug a while ago, during our first vacation together to be precise. We drove down from Paris to the South of France & Italy and lived the dolce vita for 2 weeks! Next, we embarked on our first US / Canada road trip which took us from New York to Boston, Montreal and Toronto. The deal was sealed!!
So naturally, when I started this blog, I wanted to talk about all the road trips we have done, the ones we’re planning, the places we’ve been to and the ones we want to go to…. I’m having a hard time catching up because there is so much I want to tell you about! But I will get there 😉 (That is self motivation here!!)
So let me tell you what you can find on Road Trips around the World so far and what is coming:
Things you will find on RTatW
- Detailed descriptions of the places we’ve been to, with loads of pictures (I mean lots and lots!!)
- Itineraries for road trips, to inspire you. I hand draw maps that you can download for free.
- Tips on how to stay healthy on the road, things to do, things to bring, how to stay safe and eco-friendly…
- Photography tips and tricks because I know you want to keep the best possible souvenirs of your travel!
- Books recommendations: because sometimes you need to relax and get inspired.
- Products recommendations: only the ones I think are useful and essentials.
- I might tell you, every now and then, about a hotel or a restaurant that we loved.
- And every now and then, you might find a post not fitting in these categories just because I need to express myself! 😉
You will very quickly notice that I have a thing for castles, churches, cathedrals, temples, architecture, UNESCO World Heritage sites…. Yes I love museums and history as well… and my history teachers are having a heart attack right now!!
But I also love shopping and eco-conscious fashion and girly things!

I create mini guides!
I create mini guides but these are not the usual travel guides either! Did you check them out? You can find them here: mini pocket guides
The most popular one is the one about medieval castle architecture, which happens to be the first one I created. It is a must have, if you’re planning a trip to Europe and are going to visit castles. There are tons of castles, in Europe, in case you have any doubts!
Why create mini guides? I want to help smart people, like you, enjoy the places you visit, by having with you, a little reference guide that is simple, easily accessible and yet packed with useful info.
There are going to be a lot mini guides in the future and they are going to cover lots of different topics. It just takes time to produce… like a lot of time!
Those mini guides are free to download, so grab one or all of them, if you haven’t done it yet.

Surely you have noticed I create maps?!
My motto: Discover the World, one road trip at a time. So I started creating maps, to help you do just that!
Like my mini guides, these maps take a lot of time to produce so the destination you are looking for may not yet be available.
You can always sign up to my “almost monthly” newsletter to be sure to not miss the next one! There are sign-up forms up there on the right, down below, everywhere! I’m not desperate, I just like my newsletter! 😉 Plus you get access to exclusive content and news!
I also have city walking tour maps like this one of Paris:

My next road trips will be on a bike
Life got in the way of my plans and one thing leading to another, I am now hands in grease, renovating a 1941 Indian Scout motorcycle.
Sooner or later, we’ll be heading for a road trip together!
It’s going well. Check it out!
Other things you can find around here?
Don’t know? I think we covered the basics here?
Ooh, you are wondering about these drawings you saw in the side bar? Yes, I’ve started using my various landmarks drawing to create products like art prints, mugs and phone cases on Society6. If you like those, you can have a look at my S6 profile and if you purchase something, you can always send me a photo or tag me on Insta. I’ll be delighted, honored and probably in tears!
And if there is something else you would like (product wise, lay-out, etc…), just le me know! I can always try.
Why are Smurfs hanging around?
Oh you’ve noticed?! Hum? Ok!… Well… Papa Smurf and Brainy are helping me out with my UPGRADE Series. Yeah, I know it’s weird!
With this blog, I hope I am successfully inspiring you to travel the World, at least a little bit…

Traveling is great, it’s mind blowing, it’s heart opening… But I don’t think you need to quit your job to travel. And I say it over and over, I know!
Yes, you need time and flexibility to travel. But you also need money! How much depends of you, where you want to go, how you want to travel, for how long…
So instead of following the current trend, which entices you to just “Quit your job and travel the World”, I want to help you make sensible plans on how to do it:
Start your own business, earn money, become location independent and afford to travel.
This is not about going on vacation for 2-3 weeks, this is about creating the lifestyle you are aspiring to and which gives you the freedom to travel whenever you want, wherever you want, if you want.
I know a lot of people talk about these things on their blogs but I feel that I have a different view on what it takes…
Will see how that goes. It’s still a work in progress, like many other things around here!
If you’ve made it up to here, maybe it wasn’t that boring after all?
If you really want to know even more about me, you can always check the other boring “about page“.
Quite frankly, I would recommend you to dive in instead and follow one of the many links provided here!