There is a place in Sweden, close to the Vänern lake, that will make you feel like you’re in a different world. It’s not your typical Swedish red. In fact, there is nothing typical about it. It is so unique, peaceful and cosy. It is simply an incredible place to stay…

Note: This piece contains affiliated links.
When you get lucky…
We had been driving for a while since leaving Gothenburg, ready to head North and explore the lakes of Sweden and further. We didn’t know where we were going. There was no exact plans, no expectations.
The car was packed with camping gear and food to last a few days in the ‘wilderness’. Unfortunately, the further from the coast we were driving, the more the sun seemed to be playing hide and seek with some heavy clouds.
I got worried our camping plans would go sour and I took my phone out to find on Booking an alternative plan. There I found Baverli Hills Bed & Breakfast and was instantly sold!
We arrived and Annette greeted us, while she was still with one of her customer in her hair salon! She showed us to our little cottage and showed us around.
The whole place she created is so cool! So charming and cosy too. She headed back to her salon, we took a nap to recover from the road.
Things don’t always turn out the way you think they will
As they day was coming to an end, I prepared our diner, in the available kitchen. We were too tired to look for a restaurant and we had plenty of food available. Things had not been running as planned on this road trip, so diner was pretty quiet… one would say boring.
But as the sun was setting, I was not ready to let go of the opportunity ahead: sit by a fire and sip wine! Reluctantly, Mr. A helped me start a fire in the giant fire pit available in the center of the huts. As the sun was now low on the horizon, the warmth of the fire was very welcomed.

We sat by the fire on the huge carved logs available and one of the other guests joined us. A Dutch woman who was very found of Sweden and had explored it a lot in the past. We talked about travel and people and experiences while drinking wine.
Mr. A went headed to bed early, I stayed with her and thereafter we enjoyed a memorable evening!
The 2 of us kept talking and as she was telling me about her incredible life stories, her unusual work and her incredible experiences, I couldn’t help but be amazed by this incredible woman.
She also told me about Annette, our host, and how she created the whole place pretty much by herself. How she built those huts and everything around. How this beautiful blond woman is just as comfortable with a pair of hair scissor as she is with ‘boy’s tools’. She can do nails and built a B&B from the ground! While super feminine with her cowboy style, Annette is, simply put, a super nice badass woman!
I was impressed and mesmerized.
We left the next morning and as we continued our journey, I couldn’t help but think of them. I was so happy to have met them, even so briefly. I felt energized by these 2 women with different paths, but who had in common to be living their lives, on their own terms.
Even today, as I think of them writing these lines which probably don’t even do them justice, I feel a little sad to not have more women like them, in my circle of friends.

Baverli Hills B& B
The goal of this piece was to tell you about Baverli Hills B&B but I strayed a lot from the original goal, until now! So let me know tell you a little bit more of what Annette is offering at Baverli Hills.
There you will find the most adorable huts which are all tastefully decorated, so cosy and so relaxing. I almost wish the night had been cooler just to use the stove in the room!

I’m a little stupid because I never take the pictures when we arrive, only when we’re living! As you can tell, I didn’t make the bed as it should be! 😉

OK, as you can guess, I’m not a huge fan of the stuffed animals but I admit it goes well with the overall look of the place.
One of the hut is a sauna, which we didn’t try because, you know, I did prefer to spend the evening by the fire!

One of the other hut is an indoor fire-pit so guess can gather there in winter or when it’s raining and still enjoy themselves.

The kitchen is available to all guests and is in the main building which also has a reading nook upstair. The bathrooms and shower rooms are so big and so nice!

You can check out more pictures on the official website. I waited for the last minutes to take a few, but as you understood I enjoyed myself too much the previous evening to think of taking pictures! 😉
It never rained that night and we could have gone camping… I guess! But staying at Baverli Hills and spending the night by the campfire was an even more memorable experience!
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