Are you curious to know who is carefully hiding behind Road Trips around the World?

I’ve been called Miss Coco by my friends and family, as long as I can remember so I decided to continue using this nickname here. If you want to know, Coco is short for Corinne and I’m the writer, designer and photographer behind all this blog content.
Mr A, my boyfriend is my supervisor & biggest fan! He offers great suggestions, technical back up, but mostly moral support. He also puts up with me, especially when I’m taking too many pictures 😉 He has been a great photographer assistant, carrying my tripod and other equipment around!
Here are a few random facts about Mr A and I:
- Mr A is half English, half French, I’m ‘just’ French although it seems that I have Sicilian origins.
- We’ve been together for many years now (but who’s counting!) and we have had the chance to have quite a few travel experiences.
- We’ve leaved in 5 different countries, moved together 6 times and I moved in total 15 times (maybe I should have done a blog about moving?)
- We’ve been together or separately, but mostly together, to something like 40 different countries, some for short period of time, some we’ve been to several times, some we go to regularly without even thinking about it.
- We don’t like to drive that much! Yes ironical!!
- Driving is not what’s important to us. The important thing is the freedom that having a car provides. You can go where you want, stop where you want and change plans whenever you feel like it… which we do often!
- We have the secret project (or not so secret!) to visit all the sites registered on the Unesco World Heritage list. 1,092 sites in 167 countries as at 2019. Yes that’s a lot! We’ve enjoyed so far a little over 140. A really long way to go. We know we won’t see them all.
- We are both vegetarians, I’m mostly vegan, which can make our travel either difficult, either interesting…
- I am the best GPS you can get. I’m also great at entertainment, providing food and I am annoyingly good at speed control!
We love traveling, we love the beauty of the Earth and hope to see as much of it as possible…
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for wanting to know a bit more. xo

I wish you lots of amazing Road Trips!
Why are you hiding?
There aren’t any pictures of you, are you even real?!
Yes, I am!?!
OK, so, I’m not posting any picture about me because 1- I don’t think it is interesting ; 2- I’m very cautious about my personal life ; 3- I really don’t thing it is interesting!
So what is interesting? Travel, learning new things, overcoming challenges, beating up your own fears & limiting beliefs… Lots of stuff, everything really is more interesting than seeing a picture of the back of my head looking at a UNESCO site or a picture of me in a pretty dress on a beach, or whatever.
So you are shaming bloggers who post pictures of themselves?
No?! It’s just not the path I chose for RTatW. This site isn’t about me, it’s about amazing places on Earth and road trips.
Just read an article like the one about the Bourges Cathedral or the Vezelay Cathedral and the power of sainthood. Oh, wait don’t read that one! Read the one about the Guedelon castle instead! You should understand RTatW isn’t about me. Yes, I share personal stuff as well, but it isn’t my main goal.
Now that we have this covered, you can check out a slightly more interesting page!
Rather than reading about me, you should check out RTatW page which will tell you more about the content of this site.
Still want to know more?
If you really want to know more about me, my darkest secrets, fears, struggles and so forth… you can read my series of articles called RTatW update.
Additional note
© Road Trips around the World 2012-2019
All Rights Reserved – No part of this site, including its pictures, drawings, maps & guides or any other of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author.
There are lots of regulations that apply to websites, lots of legal stuffs. I’ve done my best to disclose everything in the following pages:
Yes there are affiliated links here and there, cookies and ads. Just regular stuff that you find everywhere else, really! I’m not super good at all of these things and maintaining the site is becoming a full time job. The issue is that I have a job. So links break and every now and then, it just doesn’t look as good as it should. Mostly it does, so enjoy!!
RTatW is on Facebook! Come say hi, like it and share it with your friends!
If you need something, you can email me at MissCocoTravel @
If you spot typos (and yes I know there are a lot), please read again random fact 1 and excuse my French 😉