By now, you must have noticed that I started a new fantastic adventure?! My dad and I are restoring his old motorcycle!
Do you want to help me rebuilt my dad’s Indian Scout motorcycle? It’s easier than you may think!

Note: this post includes many affiliated links. If you decide to purchase something through one of these links, I will get a small commission, at no extra cost to you. You know the drill!
One of the many issue I have with such project, apart from my total lack of mechanical knowledge (!), is that it is costing me a pretty penny. Parts are expensive!
In addition with all my back & forth to see my dad, following his health problems, I’m in a bit of pickle. Being independent has been a blessing for all the freedom I have but when I don’t work, I just don’t get paid.
More expenses, less income… Not a good situation.
So some of you have reached out and told me I should start a GoFundMe page or equivalent, for the restoration of the Indian! Although it’s a pretty good idea, I’m just not comfortable asking money like this.
So I decided to create a list instead!! Yes a list, me!! A list of things you can do to help me with the restoration project!
By the way, if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can learn about such project and the whys on the main Indian Scout page.
Do you want to help me? Here is a list of 10 things you can do!
So here is the list! Most of the items on such list will cost you nothing and will take only seconds of your time!
But believe me, your help will be much appreciated 🙏
Every penny will help!
1 – You can buy my creations on Society6!
As you probably know, I design maps and stuff and I use my best drawings to create products like art prints or mugs on Society6. My shop is and some of my designs aren’t too bad!
If you can’t buy anything, I understand… Give a heart, it’s still useful! I think?! And share with your friends!

2 – You can use one of my Booking affiliated links
I’m a Booking affiliate so if you are planning a trip, you can use one of my links, and book a hotel through such link. I will get a small commission, at no extra cost to you.
Here is one below so you don’t have to look for it. Note that you don’t have to go to Paris! But Paris is always a good idea!!
3 – Shop on Amazon
I’m also an Amazon affiliate!
It works the same for all affiliated programs. There is no extra cost to you but a small commission for me.
So again, if you’re about to shop on Amazon, why not use one of my links? Over the years, I’ve made some pretty cool recommendations of things you may need when camping or road tripping, like these eco friendly items.
Did you notice that there is a whole eco-friendly section on RTatW? It’s call Stay Green! Check it out!
4 – If you’re planning on starting your own website
Oh God, I’m also a BlueHost affiliate!
If you are planning on starting your own website, first I have a few tips for you. Second, you should host your site with BlueHost! You can click on the link below.
Yes, the Bluehost link above is an affiliated link. If you click on it and decide to use Bluehost, I will get a commission.
5 – Don’t click on adds!
I don’t think I’m allowed to tell you to click on adds that you can find on this site, so I won’t!
Just do know, that if you do click on adds here or on the side, I might get a small commission. Just saying. But please do come back!!
6 – You can share RTatW with your friends
I’m really not the best with social media so your help will be much appreciated. You can find sharing icons around, and I think they all work. So go ahead and share!
Sharing RTatW with your friends may not seems like much, but more traffic is, in fact, super helpful.
7 – You can follow me on Facebook or Instagram
If you are on Facebook or Instagram, why not follow RTatW? I post so rarely, that the chances you’ll see my publications are slim, but at least you won’t feel spammed!
How does that help? It pleases the Facebook & Insta algorithms! Which could lead to more traffic. Again, more traffic is super useful!
8 – Pin your heart away!
If you are on PINTEREST, please follow RTatW and pin your heart away!
At this point, if you’re thinking: “gosh, she’s desperate for more traffic on her site” I’ll answer: yeah, I am! I’m working hard to create content despite everything what has been going on, and traffic leads to income.
9 – If you own an Indian Scout 741 – 1
OK, this is very specific, but if you own an Indian Scout 741 and have spare parts that you’re ready to get rid off, do write to: miss coco travel @ gmail . com (remove all spaces!)
10 – If you own an Indian Scout 741 – 2
If you own an Indian Scout 741 and don’t have spare parts, but can share tips on how to restaure it, do write to me!
At the moment and amongst other things, I’m having trouble figuring out how to make the kick starter pedal stop scratching the exhaust pipe. Any idea?

Most of the ways you can help me and that I have listed above are completely free! Isn’t that cool!
Still wondering what you are getting in return?
Cool content and pretty pictures? More maps, and free goodies?
What? You want to see a picture of me on the bike? Well it has to be finished first, so you know what to do!!
Thank you so much, in advance, for all your help!